Samantha graduated with a Master of Social Work from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2019. Since then, Samantha has been working for CCS and Orchestra X providing Service Facilitation, Independent Skill Development, and Psychoeducation. Samantha has experience working with adults with substance abuse and within the criminal justice system. Samantha has interest, training, and experience with LGBTQIA+ communities, children, adolescents, and adults. Samantha enjoys working with Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) skills.
Samantha has an artistic flair and nurturing nature allowing her to deeply engage with individuals struggling with Mental Illness or Substance Abuse. They call upon their own strength and recovery to meet clients where they are at, eye to eye, to confront difficult Diagnoses or Recovery issues head on. Their ‘roll up our sleeves and get to work’ Strength Based philosophy make Samantha a client favorite on Client Recovery Teams.